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our mission

We nurture caregivers and those they care for by teaching skills rooted in mindfulness and compassion while fostering connections.

our vision

A world in which every person is well cared for and valued. 

our vision

A world in which every person is well cared for and valued. 

our history

Zen Caregiving Project, formerly known as Zen Hospice Project, was founded in 1986 to address suffering in San Francisco. Rooted in Zen Buddhist tradition, we began training volunteer caregivers to serve dying residents at two sites of service. Our world renowned volunteer caregiver training has evolved to become the foundation of our Mindful Caregiver. 

Education which we teach nationally. In 2015, we began taking our unique approach to care out into the world in order to allow caregivers anywhere to benefit from our course offerings.

For more information on Zen Caregiving Project’s rich history, check out this post on our blog!

our values

We see caregiving as a meaningful and deeply human activity.

our values

We see caregiving as a meaningful and deeply human activity.


We practice being with things as they are, without judgment.


We are committed to witnessing and meeting suffering with an open heart.


We welcome all persons to heal through deep connection and community, based on shared humanity.


We believe that serving others is a meeting of equals and is mutually beneficial.

Universality of Loss

We recognize and accept that the experience of loss is universal and unites us in shared vulnerability.


We are rooted in the Zen Buddhist tradition, teaching that all beings are united by their dependence on one another.

what is mindful
caregiving education?

Mindful Caregiving Education (MCE) has been developed over Zen Caregiving Project’s 35-year history, drawing on 2,500-year-old contemplative teachings and current contemplative research.  This program uses mindfulness-based approaches and tools to help caregivers build emotional resilience and strengthen their wellbeing. MCE is unique as it combines mindfulness, a focus on emotional support, and exploration of loss in the context of caregiving. A recent study looking at the impact of our eight-hour online course found that it reduces caregivers’ sense of burden and enhances their sense of well-being even in high burden caregiving situations. 

We exist today as Zen Caregiving Project because of our history when we were known as Zen Hospice Project. Our Mindful Caregiving Education courses evolved out of a desire to support the emotional needs of caregivers. Our video tells you the story of our beginnings and how we have become who we are today.