
Webinar on Heart In Hands

In this session, Irene Smith shares the hand-heart connection through guided meditation and self-comforting touch techniques to return compassion and tenderness to oneself. This session ran on July 22nd, 2020.

Webinar on Reopening With Healthy Boundaries

In this session, Mary Doane introduces the use of healthy emotional boundaries and shares how to use mindfulness to maintain healthy boundaries and increase feelings of safety and empowerment in these uncertain times. This session ran on July 8th, 2020.

Webinar on Reawakening Your Values as a Professional Caregiver

In this session for professional caregivers, Roy Remer introduces techniques for reconnecting to the values that led you to caregiving and guided you in the work. Learn how to reconnect with your values, build resiliency, and rediscover your compassion for self and others. This session ran on June 16th, 2020.

Webinar on Mindful Touching as a Means of Comfort

In this session, Irene Smith presents mindful practices of self-touch to nurture and support you in times of difficulty and uncertainty. Mindful Touching as a self comforting tool can be grounding, centering and nurturing as well as easily integrated into any daily routine.

Webinar on Loss and Grief as Initiation

Loss and the natural grief that accompanies it can be one of life’s primary transformational experiences.  In this session, Roy Remer explores how the pain and poignancy of loss can also teach us lessons which may be of benefit to others in our community. The session includes short meditations, opportunities for inner reflection, and guided exercises. 

This session was run on May 23, 2020, as part of Reimagine: Life, Loss, & Love, a Worldwide Virtual Festival on embracing life, facing death, and loving fully, during COVID-19.