Mindful Caregiving Podcast


A Thriving Life Podcast Season 1 Episode 8

None of us knows how to die, and that’s part of what inspires Roy Remer in his hospice work. Roy has been both a caregiver and a care receiver in his lifetime. Since 1997 he has served as an end-of-life caregiver and educator, teaching Mindful Caregiving among other topics. He currently serves as the Executive Director of the Zen Hospice Project.

In this conversation with Catherine Hammond, he shares:

  • How mindful caregiving can transform the experience when supporting a loved one.
  • What conversations we need to be having with our loved ones around end of life, and when to have the conversations with a loved one with dementia.
  • A template for how to talk about death with our loved ones.
  • How to deal with the near-constant loss we face as caregivers
  • What we learn from others through their dying process.

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