Fundraise to Support Caregivers

Thanks for visiting the page you Super Supporter! Below are a few ideas for how you could spread the word about our work, and fundraise in the process. We have only listed a few, so be as creative as you want and we’d love to hear about any successful ideas you have so we can add them to our list.

  • Email your friends to let them know about our work, and ask them to consider donating. For an email template please click here.
  • Post on social media with a link to our donation page. You can always link to our Facebook page or Instagram page too.
  • Set up a Facebook fundraiser for Zen Caregiving Project, just click here!
  • Run a sponsored event: a marathon, a hike, a walk around the block(!) – whatever you feel would garner support.
  • If parties are more your thing, run a potluck or an event with all donations or ticket sales going to Zen Caregiving Project.
  • Bake sales: traditional but you also get to eat cake, so win-win.

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