Open Death Conversation: Online Forum
Instructor: Alistair Shanks
"This forum gave me insight on how to start a conversation
about death within my own group of friends"
In these sessions, we provide the space and opportunity to look at death directly and speak about it with openness and honesty.
We draw inspiration from the thousands of conversations around loss, death, and dying that Zen Caregiving Project has had over the years. Doing so enables us to more completely prepare for our eventual end-of-life experience, from emotional reactions to practical considerations.
To register for the next Open Death Conversation, please see our Events page.
Facing our own death, or that of a friend or family member, often elicits powerful emotions. Based on our experience of over 30 years serving those reaching the end of their lives, we have created a list of resources to guide you through this difficult time.
We hope these resources are helpful and encourage you to share them with anyone you feel may benefit from them.
Instructor: Alistair Shanks
An opportunity for mindful grief support during the holiday season.
Instructor: Roy Remer