
Webinar on Mindful Self-Care for Professional Caregivers

This is a recording of our Mindful Self-Care for Professional Caregivers presented on April 8, 2020 by Roy Remer.

In this free, online session for professional caregivers, Roy shares mindfulness-based tools to reduce stress and increase resilience and discusses ways to easily integrate these approaches into daily life.

The live online session was offered to support professional caregivers while they support so many others.


Webinar on Building Resilience for Family Caregivers

In February our Executive Director, Roy Remer, presented a webinar for the Family Caregiver Alliance called Genuine Resilience is Closer (and Easier) Than You May Think. We have posted it below for anyone to access.

In the webinar, Roy talks about how to develop a mindfulness practice in a busy life, ways to use self-compassion when feeling overwhelmed and inadequate, and simple practices for maintaining healthy boundaries. It is an interactive experience that provides tools for developing a greater sense of peace and well-being.

Mindful Caregiving Podcast

A Thriving Life Podcast Season 1 Episode 8

None of us knows how to die, and that’s part of what inspires Roy Remer in his hospice work. Roy has been both a caregiver and a care receiver in his lifetime. Since 1997 he has served as an end-of-life caregiver and educator, teaching Mindful Caregiving among other topics. He currently serves as the Executive Director of the Zen Hospice Project.

In this conversation with Catherine Hammond, he shares:

  • How mindful caregiving can transform the experience when supporting a loved one.
  • What conversations we need to be having with our loved ones around end of life, and when to have the conversations with a loved one with dementia.
  • A template for how to talk about death with our loved ones.
  • How to deal with the near-constant loss we face as caregivers
  • What we learn from others through their dying process.