grief support
Grief and the Holidays
Webinar on What If I Say the Wrong Thing?
In this session, Mary Doane shares ways of offering compassionate support to someone in grief without losing yourself in the process.
Grief Support Resources
A website and book authored by Frank Ostaseski, the co-founder of the Zen Hospice Project. Based on Frank’s own experience of working in hospice care, he offers a unique, comforting, and practical wisdom on how to work and live alongside grief in your life.
A website created by David Kessler, one of the world’s foremost expert on grief and loss. It provides free resources on loss and grief, connections to grief groups and an overview of the Five stages of Grief.
In this book, the psychologist and Buddhist Sameet M. Kumar offers an alternative approach to grief: accepting and feeling it, and then using it as opportunity for growth and finding meaning.
A page with advice on grief and loss and how to navigate it. This guide also offers links to other useful information in the “resources” section.
In this book The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief, psychotherapist Francis Weller provides an essential guide for navigating the deep waters of sorrow and loss in a lyrical yet practical handbook.
A non-profit that offers a wealth of resources and services to support children, teens, families, and adults in the grieving process.
A collective of men and women in their 20’s – 30’s who’ve been touched by a significant loss who host dinner parties to share a meal and discuss loss, grief, death & dying.
Breathing Wind is a podcast about grief, parent loss, change, and healing. Founded by Sarah Davis, this podcast began as a collection of stories highlighting the shared experience of losing parents at a young(er) age. Season Two’s focus is on healing.
Upcoming Classes and Events
List of Resources on Loss, Death & Dying
Facing our own death, or that of a friend or family member, often elicits powerful emotions. To support us through this process Zen Caregiving Project have created a list of webinars, blogs, articles and websites that focus on death, dying and grief.
We hope these resources are helpful and encourage you to share them with anyone you feel may benefit from them.
Want to talk about death? You’re not alone. This page lists a number of organizations and websites that explore death from all angles, and encourage discussion around loss and death.
Coping with grief can be painful and challenging. Here we provide some resources and links to other organizations that can support you in your grieving process.
A List to Reduce Work for Your Next-of-Kin
In this blog, Donna Woodward, a hospice volunteer, shares a useful checklist and templates to help us get our affairs in order before we die, reducing work for those who survive us.
Five approaches for caregivers to work with loss and grief
A blog by Zen Caregiving Project sharing mindfulness and compassion-based approaches to managing loss and grief.
Webinar on Working Mindfully with Grief
In this ZCP webinar we explore ways that mindfulness can help us truly experience the grief that is present for us, allowing us to accept more and suffer less.
Caregiver Corner: Working with Loss
This recording for Caring Across Generation’s Caregiver Corner shares techniques and practices for managing losses, big and small.
Podcast on Dying and Death in the Zen Tradition On Shapes of Grief
In this podcast, our Executive Director, Roy Remer, speaks about death and dying in the Zen tradition.
The bathing ritual, in which a body is bathed after the person has died, has been a part of Zen Caregiving Project’s rituals since it was founded. This blog explains its significance as a grief ritual.